Your Need
Do you ever wonder why you seem to experience certain emotions? What makes you act in a particular way?
You may feel overwhelmed by your issues - when truthfully, you simply just need a better understanding of yourself.
Knowing yourself better (or having "awareness") is the most critical step in supporting growth in your life. By being more aware, you can review your life more objectively, making it easier to see and release limiting patterns in your thought processes, in your communication, and in your behavior. This new found "conscious awareness" helps you make subtle changes in your daily life – shifting the unresolved tendencies that create your experiences – to making more positive, uplifting choices that elevate your life to a higher what some call "happiness!"
Paula Schroeder has over 25 years of experience helping people just like you. We invite you to find out more about our methods and about who we are. You've landed in the right place! Click the links to find out more and schedule a session!