
How long has SRT been around?

Spiritual response Therapy was first developed by Robert Detzler over 20 years ago. SRT continues to grow into a dynamic healing method through contributions from the Spiritual Response Association and certified SRT Teachers worldwide.

How many sessions will I need?

Name your intention or goal to define the answer to this question! Most clients choose to work together on a regular basis with the frequency being once a week, twice a month, or once a month depending upon what level of growth and life balance feels appropriate.  Clients decide to deepen their conscious connection to their Higher Self by delving inside themselves to release unexpressed or repressed emotion. Sessions can either have a specific focus to facilitate rapid change in your life or the session will indicate what areas need attention now.  Clearing topics range from relationships, finances/money concerns, health concerns, life choices and more! 

How do I know SRT works?

 Just click on our testimonials tab and see for yourself! SRT is similar to other mental, emotional, and spiritual health practices like counseling, psychology, etc. In the process of talking about your concerns they release their grip from the subconscious mind. SRT helps release the unexpressed emotions, unprocessed feelings, and negative charges from the depth of the mind. SRT is like a specific form of prayer that becomes more and more effective as the SRT facilitator commits deeply to their own personal growth. This commitment then transfers into being able to help others at more profound levels.

What do I need to prepare for my SRT session?

To maximize the results for your upcoming session, plan to be in a quiet location where you can focus easily. Breathing deeply for up to 7 minutes prior to the call will have you centered, relaxed, and open to receive a healing.  It is also best to plan quiet time after the session to integrate all the shifts in energy.  Eating healthy food, drinking pure water, and relaxing assist your body in rebalancing and harmonizing itself.

What if I don't feel better after the clearing?

On occasion, you may experience fatigue or other physical sensations as the stuck emotional energy releases allowing you to notice the feeling of how heavy these unresolved emotions have been a burden to your body.       

 Most people integrate the healing within 1 to 3 days. If you have some of these symptoms, simply email us so we can assist you..

Why do I need to drink extra water on the day of the clearing?

One of the benefits of an SRT clearing is that your body may undergo a small detoxification. By being properly hydrated, the energy transfer is easier giving you more renewed energy!

Can I have a clearing done for someone who isn't physically present?

This is determined by asking Spirit three questions. The first, "Can I" is asking the Divine if I have the ability to be of service to this person. "May I" is asking the person's soul for permission. "Should I" is asking the Divine whether it is Divine timing. If all three answers are yes, then clearing remotely is possible.

How do you get my soul's permission?

I connect to my "High-Self Spiritual Committee" which communicates with your "High-Self Spiritual Committee." The healing work is between your soul and the Divine – I am in charge of asking for help on your behalf through SRT which starts an eight-step process that every single thing you think and feels undergoes in life.

What is the youngest age someone can be to have a clearing?

SRT is effective for all ages!

Can you clear couples, families, work groups, organizations?

Absolutely! When working with each of these groups, it is beneficial to clear the group as a whole as well as the individuals which comprise the group. Just as a department works together as a unit to reach a common goal, that group should be cleared for any blocks, resistance, limiting beliefs that exists to achieving that goal. To really reap the full benefits; however, each of the individuals have their own challenges, so they would also each benefit from an individual clearing, as well. When working with a married couple, it is always recommended that they are seen both together and as individuals – just as in traditional counseling sessions. So the needs of the couple as a whole are addressed, as well as the individual needs of each person. All session discussions are confidential.

Can you clear homes, buildings, or animals?

Yes, SRT works very effectively for restoring a supportive environment in homes including the structure of the house, the furnishings, and the property.  

Can SRT help with addictions to alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, food, etc.?

SRT is a releasing methodology that assists individuals in shedding old beliefs and patterns. People who abuse substances of any kind are usually suffering emotionally and use these substances to dull the pain of life. SRT can help eliminate and heal those emotional wounds to help someone get on the path to treatment. SRT should not be seen as a cure, but as a component of a wellness program.

Are there any adverse reactions associated with SRT?

The main risk is that your life might improve beyond your expectations. Sometimes clients experience a feeling of relief, sometimes there is slight fatigue, and sometimes they are euphoric after a clearing. It is truly an individual experience.

What happens during the Oneness Blessing / Deekaha?

The Oneness Blessing initiates a neurobiological change in the brain that when complete enables the senses to be free from the interference of the mind. When the senses are unclouded by the mind's interpretations, a natural clarity of perception occurs with accompanying spontaneous feelings of joy, inner calmness and connection to the Oneness in everything.

How is the Oneness Blessing transferred? What might I experience?

Oneness Blessing is transferred by the Oneness Facilitator by placing his or her hands onto the crown of your head, usually for about 1 minute. Experiences during the Oneness Blessing vary, sometimes strong, sometimes subtle, sometimes delayed until even days later. The recipient may experience a tingling sensation in the head, or blissful energy flowing through the body, or sometimes nothing at all. Whatever the experience, the recipient can trust that the process of Oneness has begun, a process designed by Divine Grace for your own nature that will lead gradually (or sometimes spontaneously) into your own Awakening.

Who can offer the Oneness Blessing to others?

The Oneness Blessing can be transferred by anyone who has received the transmission and training during a special process at the Oneness University in India or at the new Oneness University campus on Fiji. These people are often referred to as Oneness Facilitators or Oneness Blessing Givers. The Oneness Blessing Giver then works, as an empty vessel, for the energy to transfer to the recipient.

Can anyone receive the benefits of the Oneness Blessing?

Yes. It is not necessary to attend the Oneness University in order to receive the benefits of the Oneness Blessing. Most adults and children can receive the Oneness Blessing at any time. The exceptions are: Pregnant women after 16 weeks and people suffering from serious psychological illness.

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