About Paula
“Guiding others to living a stress-free life, giving them freedom within their soul.” ~ Paula Schroeder
Paula has been involved in natural healing for 20 plus years and practicing Spiritual Response Therapy since 2003. In that time period, she has helped thousands of clients improve their lives by enhancing their personal relationships, releasing negative habits, and rebuilding positive patterns of awareness in their lives.
Her clients backgrounds are varied... Executives, Homemakers,Teachers, Managers, Business Owners, Doctors, Real Estate Investors, Children, Pets, Accountants, Artists, and other Alternative Healers . This type of healing can benefit everyone from any walk of life! Just check out the testimonial page!
In addition to her naturally intuitive gifts, this uniquely effective system allows Paula to determine what underlying beliefs, perceptions, and judgements are creating subconscious obstacles or roadblocks in your life. These blocks are the unprocessed emotions that are reflected back to you in your everyday external life. The circumstances of your "external world" or your everyday life, act as a mirror to reflect what type of programs with charge are within. And these charges may be from your unconscious/unexpressed emotions, from your family lineage, or from conditioning by parents, teacher, society, or from humanity as a collective.
Paula has committed herself to a life of living with an awakened and enlightened consciousness. This way of living occurs by determining what state of consciousness or emotions you make decisions from. To truly see if you are functioning from calm, inner peace, connection, and happiness, or from stressful states like anger, fear, and self-punishment.
Paula believes by being committed to her own personal growth she can more effectively help others. She has traveled to the Oneness University in Golden City, India numerous times to go deeper within herself. Her most recent trip allowed her to delve more deeply into her own spiritual process of awakening. Paula is certified by the Oneness University to instruct and facilitate courses as an Advanced Awakened Oneness Trainer to initiate others as a Oneness Blessing/Deeksha Giver, Wealth and Health processes, Ancestor processes and to go deeper in more advanced meditation classes as well.
Paula has a Bachelor of Science from Purdue University in Marketing/Management. Paula initially spent 12 years of her career involved in Sales Management. This background provides her a strong foundation for working with people by listening attentively to their needs, hopes, and desires . This strength has proven to be an effective asset in private client sessions, group sessions, and classes.
You can contact Paula by completing the form on the Connect With Us page.