Spiritual Response Therapy
Otherwise known as SRT, Spiritual Response Therapy is a tool that can help you know from your own experience that your "outer world is simply a reflection of your inner world". It is a mirror of unresolved emotions living inside you from past hurts, disappointments, and other circumstances beyond your control. To see this is the "key" to gaining insight into these questions, their answers, and how they affect your life!
SRT is a system of researching the subconscious unprocessed emotions and feelings called charges or programs that are stuck energetically in your body, mind, and/or Spirit. SRT can also help access the unconscious part of the mind as well...the part where you don't know what is there. This programming has potentially been dormant within you for many years, affected your lineage ,or come from many other circumstances. Repetitive thoughts can actually create conscious mind beliefs that influence events in your life through decisions and choices you make every day.
Reach out to schedule a session today!