
A Guiding Light

"The results I have experienced from working with Paula are nothing short of phenomenal! These results affect every facet of my life, from improving relationships with my children other family members and sweetheart to providing financial abundance to restoring my health and everything in-between.  Thank you Paula from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, along with the guidance, the love and the care you provide. You are a guiding light, an angel on this earth. I am so grateful and so blessed to have you in my life."

MTF - Miami, FL

Profound Effects

"SRT has been able to clear away subconscious blocks much quicker & deeper at times than all my years of yoga and meditation practices. The effects are profound!"

Michelle C ~ Dunedin, FL
Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Oneness Blessing Giver & SRT Practitioner

Deal or No Deal

"Everyone has to deal or not deal with this thing called life. SRT has helped me make sense of my life's path without staying stuck in fear and anxiety. By clearing out the past, the now is so much better!"

Donna B ~ Cape Cod, MA

A Valuable Tool

"SRT has opened my mine and expanded my knowledge of so many factors that influence our daily lives. SRT continues to be a valuable tool to assist me in my quest of leading a more spiritually driven life."

 Pam R ~ Austin, TX

A Gentle Progression

"Paula's talents with SRT have allowed my path to open to a happier life. It all began with my son. After a couple of sessions the positive change in him was palpable. Then came my own clearings and I experienced a shift in my level of clarity of purpose giving me a deeper sense of self to live from. Feeling the changes in my self and my son it was obvious to me that SRT was a modality that was to become a staple in my life to help others experience that clarity and inner strength. Paula was the best teacher for me. Paula has a gentle and honoring teaching talent. Her gifts lie in her strong intuitive abilities and her desire to assist in raising people's consciousness. Thank you Paula...on all fronts."

Sharlene T ~ Phoenix, AZ
Massage Therapist, CLC, CWC

Divine gift. Divine talent.

"I have great respect and have gained understanding of SRT. Taking it to another level in today's confusing, disruptive society it clears the confused energy. Watching Paula do her work is something everyone should experience. The effects and benefits go beyond the peace and calm she generates through this process. Paula is not only a personal friend but someone I have the utmost trust and respect as a professional in her field. If you've ever considered that life just isn't working to your advantage it might be from forces beyond your control, Paul's SRT program will remove the life blocks to set your free. Then it's purely up to you to realize your true potential because Paula has sorted the rest. Thank you Paula."

Jonathan H ~ Long Boat Key, FL

A Life Transforming Gift

"I began meeting with Paula as a client. Each time I received an SRT clearing, an area of my life would shift effortlessly. Eventually, I wanted to study with Paula to become an SRT practitioner. Now, I am able to assist my own clients in dissolving barriers in their lives with ease and awareness. However you choose to work with Paula, she is a powerful, compassionate healer and mentor, a true blessing!"

Erika S ~ Los Angeles, CA

Positive & Purposeful

"Paula Schroeder's work is truly transformational. Since I began working with her, I have noticed a major positive shift in my physical, mental, and emotional states. It felt like I cleaned out a closet full of ugly clothes that I never knew I had! After years of hesitating, I am now purposefully moving forward to fulfill my life's mission."

 Jerry J ~ Sarasota, FL

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What Our Clients Are Saying